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Rogers Lake Authority Minutes 03/14/2018
A meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority (RLA) was convened at the Rogers Lake Clubhouse at 7:30 PM on March 14th.  The following members were present: Dennis Overfield, Robert Recor, and Toni Phillips.  Seven local attendees were also present. The minutes were typed by Nicole Krol.
The meeting of the Rogers Lake Authority was called to order at 7:33pm by Dennis Overfield.
The minutes from February were read but the board did not vote, there were not enough members to form a quorum.

Lake Patrol
Two more weed mats are with Bob Recor and available to those who need them.
The towns of Lyme and Old Lyme split the amount budgeted for Rogers Lake Authority.  As of the first of the year all billing from RLA goes to the town of Old Lyme, Old Lyme will then send an invoice to the town of Lyme for reimbursement.
The board reviewed the 2018/2019 budget, there were a few changes.  See attachment.
Old Business
Dennis has the weed mat to be deployed at Carolyn Reed’s and will put it in, he has been communicating with Carolyn about this.
Dennis received an email back from David Post who oversees the Yale alewives study. David would be happy to come out to talk with the board, possibly in the summer or fall.  David has a decade worth of water quality reports for Rogers Lake and the RLA is interested in the data.
Dennis will follow up with Bonnie on the status of RLA ticketing on the patrol boat.
New Business
George James made a presentation on behalf of the Old Lyme Conservation Commission.  They are working diligently to provide information to residents for better water quality in the lake.  There will be an article in the Old Lyme events magazine coming out in May.  All the questions and comments received from the article will be going directly to George and he will notify RLA of the results. George will have a report for RLA in June.  
There has been a change of command in the Old Lyme Rowing Association.  Greg Hack has resigned as president and Candace Fuchs has taken over, Dennis has been in touch with Candace and she has agreed to come to the April meeting.  Dennis added the rowing events to the google calendar as well.
Bonnie would like to see RLA boat patrol wearing shirts and hats that identify the RLA.  It makes sense for the board members and launch patrol attendees to have them as well.  Dennis will talk to Dick about ordering.
The meeting ended at 8:27 PM.  

Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Krol, Secretary for RLA, 

The next meeting of the Rogers Lake Association will be on April 11th, at 7:30PM at the Rogers Lake
West Shores Clubhouse.